All About ICA
For my practicum, I am working with fMRI data. Two algorithms that I’ve come across is normal ICA and fast ICA.
For example, principal components analysis (PCA) finds a set of components that are orthogonalto one another in multidimensional space, whereas independent components analysis (ICA) finds a set of components that are independent of one another.
The definition is copied from the paper \(X_{M \times T} = A_{M \times M}S_{M \times T}\)
X is a random p-vector representing miltivariate input measurements
S is a latent source p-vector whose components are independently distributed random variables
A is a $p \times p$ full-rank non-randomm mixing matrix
estimate the unmixing matrix $W = A^{-1}$ such that $\hat S = \hat W X$ is the estimate of $S$
The goal of ICA is to recover the latent source signals as
\(S = WX\) with \(W = A^{-1}\)
two variables are independent if and only if the joint pdf is factorizable in the following way \(p(s_1,s_2) = p(s_1)p(s_2)\)
- \[\]
the distribution of any orthogonal transformation of the Gaussian has the same distributino as
if R is some arbitrary orthogonal matrix so that
Measure of Non-gaussianity
For ICA estimation, we need to have a quantitative measure of non-gaussianity
Negative entropy
Caution and Limitation
Signal Permutations
The order of mixing matrix and independent components are unknown
Number of Sensors
The number of separated signals cannot be larger than the number of inputs
Current research is being done to reduce the constraint
Rely on the intrinsic structure of data
No assumptions about the form of the or the possible causes of responses are made
The only assumption is mutual independence in space for spatial ICA or in time for temporal ICA
Temporal ICA
Components have independent temporal dynamics: Strength of one component at a particular moment in time does not provide information on the strength of other components at that moment
Components may be correlated in space
Popular for cocktail party problem or EEG
Spatial ICA
- Components have independent spatial distributions
“Strength of one component in particular voxel does not provide information on the strength of other components in that voxel”
Components may be correlated in time
Popular for fMRI
fastICA has built in prewhitening
the algorithm is stochatic
a lot of ICA algorithms are designed to have random initialization like k-means. They often gives similar answers, but not always.
From Wiki:
FastICA is an efficient and popular algorithm for independent component analysis invented by Aapo Hyvärinen at Helsinki University of Technology. Like most ICA algorithms, FastICA seeks an orthogonal rotation of prewhitened data, through a fixed-point iteration scheme, that maximizes a measure of non-Gaussianity of the rotated components. Non-gaussianity serves as a proxy for statistical independence, which is a very strong condition and requires infinite data to verify. FastICA can also be alternatively derived as an approximative Newton iteration.
colored ICA
a novel ICA algorithm by taking into account the joint density of the sources; the algorithm is named colorICA or parametric independent colored sources(PICS). The algorithm assumes that each temporal source has its own parametric autocorrelation structure either in autoregressive(AR),moving average(MA), or autoregressive moving average(ARMA) forms. The approach is carried out in the spectral domain via the Whittle likelihood, which is expressed as a function of observations, time series parameters (both the correlation coefficients and noise level), and a matrix reflecting linear mixing operations (mixing matrix). The estimates of time series parameters and the mixing matrix are obtained by minimizing the negative Whittle log-likelihood.
[.Statistical Techniques for Neuroscientists]
Wavelet Analysis
Fourier transform is a powerful tool, but it does not represent abrupt changes efficiently.
Fourier transform represents data as a sum of sine waves which are not localized in time or space domain.
To accurately analyze signals and images that have abrupt changes, we need to use a new class of functions that are well localized in time and frequency.
A wavelet is a rapidly decaying, wave-like oscillation that has zero mean. Unlike sinusoids, which extend to infinity, a wavelet exists for a finite duration.
- Morlet
- Daubechies
- Coiflets
- Biorthogonal
- Mexican Hat
- Symlets This is because, unlike the sinewave, the wavelet has a band pass characteristic in the frequency domain. Mathematically, the equivalent frequency is defined using this equation \(F_{eq}=\frac{C_f}{s\delta_t}\) , where Cf is center frequency of the wavelet, s is the wavelet scale, and delta t is the sampling interval.
A stretched wavelet helps in capturing the slowly varying changes in a signal while a compressed wavelet helps in capturing abrupt changes.
We need to shift the wavelet to align with the feature we are looking for in a signal
Key applications of the continuous wavelet analysis are: time frequency analysis, and filtering of time localized frequency components. The key application for Discrete Wavelet Analysis are denoising and compression of signals and images.
Analytic wavelets are best suited for time frequency analysis as these wavelets do not have negative frequency components. This list includes some analytic wavelets that are suitable for continuous wavelet analysis.
Whittle likelihood
Whittle likelihood is an approximation to the likelihood function of a stationary Gaussian time series, and is commonly used in time series analysis and signal processing for parameter estimation and signal detection.
Once (4) is available, we maximize it to obtain the estimates of the unmixing matrix W and the parameters in the power spectra of the sources (see Section 2.3). The maximum Whittle likelihood approach can be interpreted as assigning a different weight of (e j W) · (Wej)/fjj(rk) to the source periodogram ̃f at the Fourier frequency rk. This procedure will be referred to as cICA hereafter,
Limitations of static spectral analysis It is visually interpretable only for stationary signals
We want to combine the temmporal precision but also want to ectract frequency specific information over time
One of the main way to do t-f anlysis is wavlet convolution
Time-frequency Analysis
They taper to 0 at the beginning and the end.
Integrate to 0
Where do wavelets come from?
Why wavelets provide temporal specificity? Fourier transform: dot product with this kernel
Morlet convolution: dot product with the kernel
Morlet wavelets in time and in frequency
- in frequency domain the amplitude spectrum is a Gaussian
- in the time domain should avoid using convolution in the time domain as it is very slow for conceptual purposes
goal take two time series and mix them together to create a signal in general signal is the thing you are interested in ; the kernel is the filter that you apply
- in the frequency domain
In signal processing, time–frequency analysis[3] is a body of techniques and methods used for characterizing and manipulating signals whose statistics vary in time, such as transient signals.
It is a generalization and refinement of Fourier analysis, for the case when the signal frequency characteristics are varying with time. Since many signals of interest – such as speech, music, images, and medical signals – have changing frequency characteristics, time–frequency analysis has broad scope of applications.
Independent Component Analysis
The Amari distance is a measure between two nonsingular matrices, useful for checking for convergence in independent component analysis algorithms and for comparing solutions.
\(X_1 = a_{11}S_1+a_{12}S_2 +\cdot +a_{1p}S_p\) \(X_2 = a_{21}S_1+a_{22}S_2 +\cdot +a_{2p}S_p\)
\[X_p = a_{p1}S_1+a_{p2}S_2 +\cdot +a_{pp}S_p\]S_l are assumed to be statistically independent
A real Morlet wavelet could be defined as the product of a complex sine wave and a Gaussian window:
\(M(t) = exp^{-t^2/\sigma^2} cos(2\pi \gamma t)\) AR models are the most
commonly used time series approaches for the temporal corre- lation structure in fMRI analysis.
As a final remark, let’s discuss the numerical advantages of using SVD. A basic approach to actually calculating PCA on a computer would be to perform the eigenvalue decomposition of directly. It turns out that doing so would introduce some potentially serious numerical issues that could be avoided by using SVD.
Whitening can be used to easily alleviate the effects of coordinates given in different units.
One of the important assumptions of the GLM, is that the elements of the error vector, are uncorrelated, Cor(i, j) = 0 for i = j and that they all have the same variance, Var( i) = σ2 for all i.
There are many cases when this assumption is violated. For example, imagine that the dataset on age and processing speed included sets of identical twins; in this case, some individuals will be more similar than others. More relevant to fMRI, this can also occur when the dependent variable Y includes temporally correlated data. When this occurs, the distribution of the error is given by Cov() = σ2V, where V is the symmetric correlation matrix and σ2 is the varaince. The most common solution to this problem is to prewhiten the data, or to remove the temporal correlation.