Wolfram Workshop Series
(Below is a summary of the Columbia Data Science Society and Wolfram Research Workshop today.)
Personal Points
Wolfram language is both a numerical and symbolic language.
Use the suggestion bar to show all digits of a calculation.
press equal: equal sign -> free form input (Can query using natural language ) for instance can type in: picture of a caffein molecule -> shift enter -> picture will be shown
press control + equal: natural language bubble : can see what Wolfram codes are being interpreted
WikipediaData can pull up Wiki articles
Put semicolon at the end of a function can quiet the output
Can use the free form input and the Wolfram language together
- for instance, type “image of albert einstein”
- can use EdgeDetect[%] to run on the picture
- % calls out output from the last cell
Rules of the Wolfram Language
All Wolfram Built-in functions begin with a capital letter
Function arguments are enclosed by square brackets eg.[]
Lists or range or domainas are enclosed in curly braces eg.{}
Shift-Enter to perform a calculation/Evaluate
Multiple Calculations
Interactive Models
Manipulate function
Manipulate [Plot[Sin[freq*x],{x,0,10}],{freq,1,10}]
Wolfram Demonstration Projects have lots of examples
Part[data, All, 3]
states = Import["ExampleData/50states.txt","Data"]
(Below is a summary of the Columbia Data Science Society and Wolfram Research Workshop today.) Wolfram Language, has a uniform structure, and everything is an expression.
1/2 is not the same as 0.5, construct-wise
the construction of function using aridic
- FullForm
- InputForm
- TreeForm a little shortcut /@