A Look into Statistical Tests
TYPE I Error
- H_0 is true, but we mistakenly reject it : false positive
- controlled by significance level $\alpha$
Type II Error
- H_0 is false, but we fail to reject it: false negative
The probability that a hypothesis test will correctly reject a false null hypothesis is the power of the test
several different ways of quantifying the likelihood of obtaining false positives
- family-wise error rate
probability of any false positives want to guard against having any false positives at all
- false discovery rate
- control proportion of false positives among rejected tests
Correct for the FWER
FWER probability of making one of more Type I errors in a family of tests, under the null hypothesis
- Bonferroni correction
- Random field theory
- Permutation tests
Tradeoff detect and control FWER
Bonferroni correction
- Bonferroni correction is very conservative: results in very strict significance levels
- decreases the power of the test (probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis) and greatly increases the chance of false negatives
- not optimal for correlated data, and most fMRI data has significant spatial correlation
number of independent tests « voxels
issues with FWER
Methods that control the FWER(Bonferroni, RFT, Permutation Tests) provide a strong control over the number of false positives
While this is appealing, the resulting thresholds often lead to tests that suffer from low power
Power in critical in fMRI applications because the most interesting effects are usually at the ede of detecdtion
FWER control the probability of any false positives
FDR controls the proportion of false positives among all rejected tests